Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's going on...

Rew hit that right we are working like crazy ladies over here - revamping, revising, renewing it is spring after all - total aside here but its the Yoga teacher in me - did you know that Spring is the best time for healing and rejuvenation. It is when the most green energy (prana (Lifeforce)) is hitting the earth and a perfect time to detox, cleanse and start programs to increase your health and energy which we all need to be at our peak performance on and off stage!

Anyway back to the business at hand :) , we are revamping the GRGR website and newsletter, you'll see a few changes for April but bigger changes are on the way! By June we hope to have a fully revamped website at and that and the newsletter promise to be chock full of information and resources for all the fantastic rockin femmes and fans! Our hope is to provide you with tools to acheive all those rock n roll dreams! Not subscribed yet? We invite you to join us and every month we have a new subcriber giveaway - the month its some cool headphones from Shure!

We won't be touring much this year, but sticking closer to home and bringing many of our alumni sister bands to NYC as well as featuring new bands that we unearth. So if you know some good ones especially in the tristate area let us know! Also we are theming our shows this year to be very genre specific - our first event is May 2 at Hanks Saloon in Brooklyn! Its a Punk Rock Extravaganza, the show brings together GRGR 2007/2008 tour vets Loki the Grump (NYC), Marisa Mini & The Underage Hotties (Brooklyn), North Carolina musicians Solito (formerly “S” (with a lady who will blow you away with her brilliant masters-level guitar skills), plus East Village punk damsel Tibbie X (Kissy Kamakaze), hardcore/punk band S.M.U.T. (fronted by the fiery blue-haired Cutie Calamity) and ferocious, political four-piece band Trauma Team 666. The show will be hosted by GRGR founder that would be moi and RewBee*s World Radio show host Rew. Oh what a night!

Like most people we are working to become social networking guru's and build community with all of you out there so please be sure to find and follow us:, and Facebook - we also have a new YouTube site - the new PSA we shot is there but we have a whole load of tour videos that will be posted soon from 2008 and definitely more in 2009! If you are a GRGR alumni with a great short video we would be happy to post it for you!

Well my to do list is not done - AS USUAL - and I have to get ready for rehearsal! So till next time!

Sat Nam & Rock On
Founder/CEO - GRGR

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