You probably know the buzz word of the week is “Twitter” so stop resisting and sign up! Apparently there are all sorts of Twitter tools out there to add to this fascinating experience – tweetizen.com, youtubetweeter.com and twit.fm streams, the latter two stream your radio and video through twitter – Who knew?
For radio some good sources, try Live 365 Radio. You can go there search for stations in your genre, get the DJ contacts and send them stuff for consideration. Just remember it's best to contact DJs and send them to a site to stream and listen to your stuff rather then Mp3s or CDs.
What else what else? I am seeing old friends and meeting some very cool people. Be on the lookout for KyleEllen -- she is writing a biography from a standpoint of music and healing…its called “Imagine What’s Inside” and each chapter is tied to a song she wrote so the book will come with a CD. I’m looking forward to checking it out!
I have to say I am missing my partner in crime Marisa (who is the journalist BTW). Unfortunately she was not able to come due to some family stuff but she is supporting me from afar and since I can’t possibly share all the tips and treats I am receiving in a few blog entries she will be the one turning them into future stories. So make sure if you haven’t already that you sign up for the GRGR Hotsheet and be on the lookout for the new girlsrockgirlsrule.com site launching in June, which will provide you lady rockers with all the resources and info you need to make your rock n roll dreams come true.
Well I must run off to hear Nancy and Ann Wilson from Heart speak. With any luck I will get to ask a question and get their personal perspective on lady rockers or better yet a one-on-one interview for GRGR!
Quote of the day: “nobody doesn’t succeed in the music business they just quit trying” -- Dan Kimpel. Amen to that my fellow rockers! Rock On!
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