Thursday, September 27, 2007

TV interview/RI Show

Hey All!!! I am currently sitting in the van with Donald while the girls are being interviewed for a local television show. Unfortunately, I am not sure which TV station it is but if you are from, or around the area Enfield CT keep an eye out for it. All four NYC bands will be interviewed on it.

So last night we were in Newport Rhode Island was great!!!! I have never been to that town, or even the state for that matter and it is a beautiful place. Unlike NYC, it is actually clean. The girls tore is up, as always, and the local bands were great. Also, Garry one of the other road managers performed. Now I know he isnt a girl, but he sure did ROCK!!!!!

I do not have photos at the moment but tonight I will put some up for you guys.

Chicopee ... here we come!!!

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