Still In Love With Courtney Love
Hey guys! sorry I haven't been writing lately but here is something I couldn't wait to tell you! A few weeks ago I had the chance to buy Hole's new CD, Nobody's Daughter, and got to see a free (if you don't count the price of the CD) show and attend the CD signing after. Not only did her voice both live and on the album shock me but she was so mellow and relaxed the entire time. Although part of me wanted to see her go wild and run around the stage another part of me knew she had really matured and is possibly on her way to becoming an adult. The new album "Nobody's Daughter"went beyond what I could have ever imagined and the songs are better than I think anyone ever could have imagined. My favorite so far has to be "Pacific Coast Highway" which i was lucky enough to have seen her play live. After the concert I was one of the first people to have my CD signed, my mom snagged a picture of the two of us opposite each other right before security yelled that pictures weren't allowed. Actually meeting the woman whose songs have been favorites of mine for years was quite overwhelming and although I planned so much to say all i could murmur was a quiet "Hi" to which she responded and smiled warmly. I recommend this CD to any former Courtney fans and even people who don't consider themselves fans of hers at all for the new sound Hole brings to this album has a perfect balance of distinctive Hole and a whole new experience!
Check out the concert on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/rewandwho#p/a/u/1/1gdEp9kC7YY
Harlee Ludwig
Teen Correspondant
Harlee Ludwig
Teen Correspondant